live-in the boarderline> livin in the borderline> live on the boarderline> life is on the borderline> live on the boarderline> livin the boarderline life> life livin on the borderline>BDLcX>
live-in the boarderline> livin in the borderline> live on the boarderline> life is on the borderline> live on the boarderline> livin the boarderline life> life livin on the borderline>BDLcX>
w.a.a. sup!
Splash Montaña teamed up with CopperKeys Productions and BLcX to bring this vision to life. They look forward to launching more music videos and other future projects. Consent to share tHeArt for more a.b all that.
Splash and CopperKeys Productions team up again to bring this fun perspective of the ding dong song performance! Thanks to all the cX who made this moment in Time happen and now to those helping to archive it in/on the web stage TM 2024.
witness an impromptu jam inspired by an in promptu prompt to sing a song about the ding dongs at dr. lou’s place. a special thanks to Dr. Lou, Mary Anne, Tony, Splash… and all the other ding dongs that were present, too.